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Who I am


Hello, I'm Furyswipes. I've been playing WOW in some form or another since just after release day in 2004. In the last year or so, I have been rediscovering my love of multiboxing in the fully-programmable world of Vanilla 1.12, before all user programming abilities were removed.


Why I do this


I love multiboxing, and I think most others will, too. This is a great time to start, since computers are freaky powerful now, and dwarf the capabilities of computers of 2004. That means YOUR computer could probably run many, if not DOZENS, of wow boxes simultaneously with no problem.


What I can do for you


Hopefully this site is enough for you to start the basic steps of running a 5 man party. Then, as you gain confidence, you should be able to try a 10, then 20 man team. And then, later, you can enter the insane world of 40-boxing!

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